Tune In

Try this: take a minute to look around and ask yourself to notice anything red. Then try white. Green. Black.  As you change colors, those colors seem to light up in your vision. 

Now, take a moment to look around and notice “what's wrong.” Now, focus on what’s working. Focus on what you’re grateful for, what you like. 

What we tune into, where we direct our attention, changes our perspective.  Our senses take in information every moment, and pass it through the filter of our internal story, what we choose to focus on.

It’s our choice whether to focus on the negative (problems, obstacles) or the positive (solutions, progress). 

Being positive doesn't mean pretending there is nothing wrong; it means focusing on what can be done, what can be made, and what can be learned.  It means recognizing problems as a starting point, and tuning in to what we can do to solve them.


Helpful Questions

How is my current focus coloring my perspective?

What am I choosing to tune into?

A Video That Makes Me Think

Victor Wooten - Think About That (Youtube) (4 min)

“Vibrations? Yeah, it's actually pretty simple. The thing is nothing ever stops vibrating.

Scientists know that, I mean they'll tell u that everything is a vibration. Right, yeah.

I mean, things vibrate faster they may appear as light, slower it may appear as something solid or something like that. But even thoughts are vibrations.

But the key here is that nothing ever stops vibrating, ever.

So check it out. Everything that ever vibrated is still vibrating. Everything that ever was still is. That's cool.

Yeah, me too. It really makes me want to pay attention to the vibrations that I'm putting out there.

"Cause do they ever go away? (Think about that!)”

A Quote That Inspires Me

“Beliefs are practiced thoughts.”

-Nicole LePera, How To Do The Work.

What I've Been Up To This Week

Music -  For those of you studying music, I've started to upload some teaching videos. This week, I shared some music theory basics. More to come soon!

Writing - My poetic side visited me this week. This is a poem about our inner journeys, called Dreaming Inside Out. Enjoy!

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Until next time, I wish all of you the best in your journey to make something of meaning. 

Much love,


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