This section includes writing in various forms, from poetry to book reviews to longer thought pieces. I host all of my work on Substack, so links will open in a new window.
Book Review - You Should Read Four Thousand Weeks
This book came to me at a time when I really needed to read it. I stood to benefit from taking a step back and remembering why I am doing what I’m doing, and Four Thousand Weeks really delivered.
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Mar 30, 2023
Did I Get It Right?
I’m the author of my own story.
The problem is, if I’m not careful I find myself writing nothing but critique.
Mar 16, 2023
Dreaming Inside Out
…the truths I’ve found, unknown until I visited with them,
they’re not exactly…what I thought they'd be.
Maybe There Are Angels
If you don’t believe there are angels, I get it.
In fact, there’s a very rational explanation for all of this, that our subconscious mind has an ability…
Why Does Creativity Matter?
“Creativity embeds knowledge so that it can become practice. We move what we’re learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands…
Choosing To Start
Starting is the only thing that counts for anything later. Taking action. Doing the work. Nobody can experience what we almost did. Nobody can learn from the ideas we are planning to share, only what we have actually shared.
Finding My Voice
Songs started coming to me in my dreams, fully formed. At 3:00am, I would rise in half-sleep, already singing the lyrics, and go to my guitar, capturing a recording in the voice memos app on my phone.
Deep songs. Real songs. True songs.
Uncertainty of Acclaim
“We grow fearless when we do the things we fear.”
I’ll let you know if ever become fearless. What I CAN do is be courageous, despite the uncertainty of acclaim. Today, and again tomorrow.
Generous Creation
Creation from a space of gratitude allows for true generosity; I don’t need or want anything in return, only to share. To give. Here, I made this. You can have it if you like. You can leave it if you like.
embrace ritual
Embrace ritual. Slowly sink into space and time. Set a mood.
Savor each step. One by one. No rush. No need to hurry.
Nowhere to be but here. Now. This.
Fifteen Minutes
A piece of music is played in 3-4 minutes. A guitar solo is maybe a minute or two. Usain Bolt won the 100 meter in less than 10 seconds. Meaningful action can take place in a shockingly short period of time.
You cannot know which moment will be the one that matters. All you can do is show up.
Play What You’ve Got
I just found a couple licks that I liked and I practiced them. I’m not even any good at them yet. I was lost in the process for an hour, just like when I’m scrolling.
The difference is this: today I can play a jazz lick that I didn’t know yesterday. It’s a tiny improvement. But they add up. And today I have a chance to add a little more.
Tuesdays Are Harder
…on Tuesday I tell myself, “Ok, do that again.”
“Do that again” is what I fear. It’s what often stops me. Which part of “do that again” scares me and stops me? It isn’t “do.” I love to create. It isn’t “again.” Showing up consistently grounds me. It’s “that.” Do that again.
A New Year
January has a lovely vibe. It’s so satisfying to turn the page on an old year and start again. This year, I have chosen to live by themes rather than set resolutions and goals. Themes live in the realm of what I can control. They focus me on how I am being and my own actions…