I'm Not A Creative Person...Or Am I?

An Idea for Consideration

I'm Not A Creative Person...Or Am I?

Let’s look closer.  I think it’s common for us to conflate being creative with being ‘an artist.’  And while it’s true that many of us don’t spend much time creating art (music, visual arts, photography, film, etc), creativity is another matter. 

Let’s deconstruct Brené Brown’s beautiful quote on creativity: “Creativity embeds knowledge so that it can become practice. We move what we’re learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands. We are born makers, and creativity is the ultimate act of integration- it is how we fold our experiences into our being.”

To create is to “move what we’re learning…” 

(knowledge, images, sounds, sensation, inspiration, experience, feeling, imagination) 

“…from our heads to our hearts” 

by manifesting it in a tangible way 

“...through our hands.”

Before creating, nothing tangible exists. It’s only in our head.  After creating, there is something. You can sense it, experience it. You can share it with others and they can experience it with you.  It is something of meaning.

Before, there was nothing. Now, there’s something of meaning. That’s cool.

Gardening is a creative act. Cooking is a creative act. Problem Solving is a creative act.  Dancing is a creative act.  Playing is a creative act.  Sharing an idea is a creative act. Conversation is a creative act.  Building or making anything is a creative act.  

Each of these are tangible, observable manifestations of thoughts, feelings, or sensations, brought into the real world for others to experience along with us.  Each of them contribute to building our shared world.  

That is what I believe when I say creativity.  And I believe you are creative. Because I don’t know how it would be possible for you not to be.


A Question I've Found Helpful

This definition of creativity above begs the following question: 

Assuming I AM creative, what would I like to create today? What do I want to see more of manifested in the world? 

Something I Find Interesting

Bring On The Learning Revolution, Ken Robinson (Youtube - 18 Min)

"We have to recognize that human flourishing is not a mechanical process, it is an organic process, and you cannot predict the outcome of human development. All you can do, like a farmer, is create the conditions under which they will flourish."


A Quote That Inspires Me

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

-Arthur Ashe


What I've Been Up To This Week

Music - here's a video of me playing "A Life" by John Dupuy, one of my favorite songs that I've been playing since I was 11 years old. 

Blog - If you enjoyed my idea in this newsletter, the article I wrote this week digs into why I think creativity matters, and how it benefits me.

Consider supporting me on Patreon.  I love sharing things that mean a lot to me, and have a positive impact on you too.  The support of the community will make it possible for me to continue to do this for a long time to come.

Until next time, I wish all of you the best in your journey to make something of meaning. 

Much love,


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