May 8, 2023
Work on Fur Elise B section, practicing each fingering for the right hand until it feels natural, then add the left hand back in.
Using the pedal, every time both hands play, that’s where the pedal gets quickly lifted up and the put back down.
Practice Hanon 1 using both hands together.
May 1, 2023
Pushing the tempo of Für Elise
Use an online metronome
Step 1 - get the whole song down at about half speed (60bpm)
Step 2 - gradually increase the speed by 5 beats at a time
You know you’re ready to go faster when you can do it 4 times in a row, perfectly.
April 24, 2023
Learning Für Elise
Slow down
Work a small, difficult section over and over again, until you run out of focus
Make sure your “health bar” doesn’t get too low
When you need to, take breaks to play songs that are fun for you, or practice fun exercises
The Three Pillars of Musicianship
Technique - being able to play your instrument well
Chords & Arpeggios
Focus on consistent fingering
Playing with a metronome
Music Knowledge - understanding the elements of music
Learning new scales, chords, etc
Music theory concepts
Reading music
Repertoire - learning and remembering songs
Spend time learning new songs
Spend time playing the songs you know
Goal #1 - 10 songs you can play from memory
1. Fur Elise
2. Fly Me To The Moon
3. Super Mario Bros Theme
C, G, and D Major Scales
April 2023