Tuesdays are Harder than Mondays

It’s Tuesday. Tuesday is the hardest day for me. Monday, I often wake up full of my best intentions and I generate energy. I tell myself, “you got this. Start off the week right.” And I create something new. But on Tuesday I tell myself, “Ok, do that again.”

“Do that again” is what I fear. It’s what often stops me. Which part of “do that again” scares me and stops me? It isn’t “do.” I love to create. It isn’t “again.” Showing up consistently grounds me. It’s “that.” Do that again.

That. The thing. The expected thing.

“That” is attachment to a specific outcome.

In “The Practice,” Seth Godin writes “It’s easy to see the absurdity of attachment when we’re talking about the weather. The thoughtful alternative is resilience. To be okay no matter how the weather turns out, because the weather happens without regard for what we need. But what happens when we substitute what others think for the weather? When we get attached to how others react to our work, we stop focusing on our work and begin to focus on controlling the outcome instead.”

Interestingly, in this case I am the “other” reacting to my own work. I have a voice that tells me today’s work better be as good as yesterday’s, and often it stops me from even getting to Wednesday. My historical pattern goes something like “I did a thing on Monday! I failed to do that thing again on Tuesday. I gave up on Wednesday.”

I’m committed to moving forward differently now that I have seen this pattern. I am ready to let go of “do that again” and replace it with something new.

I’m going to try “do something again” for a while and see how it fits.


I am grateful for The Practice by Seth Godin. It is showing up for me at exactly the right time and in exactly the right way.

I am grateful to have space in my life to be creative. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute.

Affirmation & Intention

You have gifts to bring. When you seek to improve in some small way and you share it, you make the world a little brighter. That is a gift.

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A New Year

Happy new year!

January has a lovely vibe. It’s so satisfying to turn the page on an old year and start again. This year, I have chosen to live by themes rather than set resolutions and goals. Themes live in the realm of what I can control. They focus me on how I am being and my own actions and help me to let go of outside results that I cannot control.

My themes this year:

On movement: this morning I started with my first workout of the year. Felt great to do it.

Connection will be about connecting with the world beyond my home.

Patience is primarily around how I practice communication with my family and also has so much to teach me in every area of my life.

Since January is often about looking forward, I was inspired this morning to write a poem.

Poem for the New Year

I seek

To ground myself in the moment;

To reconnect with the stillness;

To love, to laugh, to play;

To be with enoughness, inside and out;

To know again what lives beneath the surface;

To swim in those depths;

To rise again, changed;

And reveal myself, open, new, vulnerable;


Today’s Gratitude

For this process, for creating space, for life. For themes.

Today’s Affirmation & Intention

You are enough. You are connected to the beautiful movement of the world and you can trust yourself to dance with it gracefully.

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